Saturday 19 April 2008

Parking Appeals 8 week focus on Camden

Over the next eight weeks Parking Appeals is going to focus on the illegal signs and lines in the London Borough of Camden.

The examples we give of unlawful signs are equally applicable across the whole of the country.

Remember ... Knowledge is power!

What we find outrageous is that the councils are fully aware of the legislation but rely on your lack of knowledge to enforce signs and lines they know to be illegal.

Parking Appeals shows you how to appeal tickets issued in locations like the ones shown.

Is it acceptable that they will cancel tickets for those who know the law but keep the money from those who don't?

As part of our series of reports we will reveal how Camden Council's total disregard for the law and reckless indifference to the plight of motorists and residents alike has led to tens of thousands of motorists being fined illegally.

More inside the site ... and details of how you can appeal successfully in every instance.

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